Download terry pratchett macbeth
Download terry pratchett macbeth

download terry pratchett macbeth

This essay will examine Wyrd Sisters and Macbeth from today’s angle, where gender and genderfluidity are a hotly discussed topic.

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Set in the framework of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, where witches have beards and women want to be ‘unsexed’, the witches in Wyrd Sisters show astonishingly few traits of character and behavior that would be seen as typically female or expectable in a witch.

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One of the many examples is the way the author mocks gender roles and plays with certain stereotypes that are often criticized in the genre. Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters is one of the few Fantasy novels in which nothing is as the reader would suspect when picking it up for the first time. Gender and genderfluidity in Wyrd Sisters

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